Archive for July, 2012

Manners, Please: Workplace Civility

How imporant is it to have a workplace culture that values civility?  And not just in a written statement of organizational values, but in practice?

I have heard many stories of screaming matches, and other demeaning and rude behavior in workplaces.  If employees are focused on emotional reactions, they are not focusing on their work and the organization. And this can affect the organization’s bottom line.

According to a recent article by Joyce E. A. Russell, a lack of civility drains productivity as employees deal with the stress caused ...

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Money as a Resource: Gaining Perspective

I often watch my clients who make healthy six figure incomes, yet are miserable, struggle with the thought of earning less. In the US many of us measure our self-esteem and career success by how much money we make. So money becomes who we are, our being, and our worth in society.

Some endure jobs or companies that provide little satisfaction, and/or work in conditions that are dehumanizing and demoralizing. But their addiction to the salary, perks and prestige offered by ...

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