Archive for May, 2014

Employee Engagement Strategy Part Two

Drivers of Employee Engagement

What is important  to one group for full engagement may not be important to another group.  A one size fits all approach does not work.  Groups are not just departments and positions in departments, but also demographics such as age and gender. The specific drivers for high potentials, a job with chronic turnover or high productivity may all  require different engagement strategies to be effective.

Gallup  states that engagement is based on:

1. The clarity of expectations for employees ...

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Developing an Employment Engagement Strategy – Part One

Research has shown that engaged employees perform better in unique ways. High levels of engagement are also related to important business outcomes including customer satisfaction, employee productivity, company profit, employee turnover and occurrence of safety incidents.* To gain the best results, employers should create a strategy that goes beyond measuring engagement results from surveys. To be effective the results from surveys need to be interpreted correctly to create action items for improving employee engagement.

There are three parts ...

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Are You an Introvert and a Leader or Manager?

Being introverted can present some management issues. But as an introvert you also bring strengths to the process.You are probably a good listener and you lead by example, rather than with a directive style. But there are also some challenges, as discussed by the personal experiences of this author in a Inc. Magazine article.
“Introverts’ 6 Biggest Management Challenges”

1. Confronting a Difficult Employee
You can’t let what seem like little conflicts escalate. They should be ...

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Honoring our Veterans

This weekend we take time to honor our veterans, those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom and security.

My Mom and Dad met while serving in WWII. My Dad was in the Army Air Corps and my Mom was in the Women’s Army Corps (WAC). Also serving were my Aunt Yvette Quiriy who served in the South Pacific with the WAVES. The WAVES was established on 30 July 1942 as a World War II division ...

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Does Marissa Mayer’s Telecommuting Rule Make Sense?

In an article in the WSJ, the author discusses the new policy of Melissa Mayer to eliminate telecommuting at Yahoo. It seems that creativity and innovation is indeed elevated with social interaction. But will the Facebook generation be an exception, and be just as creative without physical contact? Click on the link below to read the article.

“Why Marissa Mayer’s Telecommuting Rule Makes Sense”

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How Much Severance Vacation Should You Take?

In an article from “The Ladders”, the job search site for $100K+ jobs, the author suggests that for those people who receive generous severance packages, taking an extended vacation is not a good idea. My experience is that overworked employees often need some time off to recharge. But with an extended break, individuals often find so much to do with their free time that they wonder how they will ever fit in time for a job! If you ...

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Theories of Motivation: Do Incentives Work?

“The Puzzle of Motivation”  is the title of a TED talk by Dan Pink.  In this talk he asserts that traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think.  Social scientists have conducted research that confirms this, but business is not taking advantage of this research.  There is a mismatch between what science knows and what business does.

Contingent motivators work well in situations where there is a simple set of rules and rewards narrow the focus; but where issues are ...

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Change Management: Some Statistics

  • 70% of change initiatives fail
  • 25% are able to sustain long-term gains from change initiatives
  • 82% of CEO’s identify change management as a priority
  • Effective change management can make a difference
  •       143 % ROI when change management is implemented
  •       35% ROI when no change management initiative is implemented


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Managing Multi-Generational Talent

What are the differences in multi-generational talent that impact how they are managed for success? That was the topic at a recent SHRM Atlanta meeting and panel discussion. Some of the area addressed include:
1. Short-term versus long term incentives. The driven baby boomers have different priorities. Long-term incentives work for them, but shorter term incentives work best for Millennials.
2. All of the generations need to respect each other and what they have ...

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Engaging Change: Six Steps for Surviving and Thriving

Change is the only thing we can count on in this global economy with continuous technology updates. Those of us who can work through our resistance and learn to adapt quickly have the advantage. A recent article in listed six steps.

1. Stay Involved: No matter what position we have in our companies, from top management to newly hired graduate, how we deal with change will affect our relationships, communication and ultimately our performance. It is important to stay ...

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