Gallup’s latest employee engagement survey reveals that only 30% of American workers are engaged and inspired at work, and 20% are actively disengaged, meaning that they are verbalizing and acting on their discontent. The cause: bosses that make their lives miserable. The other 50% are more passively disengaged.
The top 25% of teams – the ones who are best managed, have 50% fewer accidents and 41% fewer defects than the bottom 25% of teams. These top teams also have lower healthcare costs. These statistics are staggering in their implications for employers, productivity and company revenues and profits, and emphasize the critical need to put the right people into management positions.
About the Author:
Deborah Brown (Debbie) founded Atlanta based D&B Consulting, Inc. in 1993 to provide executive career and leadership coaching, and executive career transitions and outplacement services to organizations and individuals. She is a Master Practitioner of the MBTI personality assessment and a Certified Social + Emotional Intelligence Coach® through the Institute of Social + Emotional Intelligence® of Denver, Colorado. Debbie earned the SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources) certification.