
Improving Social and Emotional Intelligence

Improving Social and Emotional Intelligence

Previously I have written several posts on emotional intelligence and described the importance of it for both career and personal success.

I’m pleased to announce a new offering in my coaching practice. I have just completed an intensive certification program in coaching social and emotional intelligence, and am pleased to announce that I am now a Social + Emotional Intelligence Certified Coach®.

What this means is that I have a wide array of new tools and materials available for you that are designed to help all of us be more successful in work and in life.

In fact, you have probably heard of “emotional intelligence” – and some researchers believe that our success in work and life is driven far more by our emotional intelligence (EQ) than by our cognitive intelligence (IQ). And the beautiful thing? While IQ remains pretty much fixed from birth, EQ (or S+EI) can be learned.

From  the Institute for Social + Emotional Intelligence (ISEI)®, below is the four quadrant model.

Four-Quadrant Model of Social + Emotional Intelligence
Personal Competence

These competencies determine how we manage ourselves
 Self-Awareness: Knowing one’s internal states, preferences, resources, and intuitions
o Emotional self-awareness: Recognizing one’s emotions and their effects
o Accurate self-assessment: Knowing one’s strengths and limits
o Personal power: A strong sense of one’s self-worth and capabilities; self confidence

Self-Management: Managing ones’ internal states, impulses, and resources
o Behavioral self-control: Keeping disruptive emotions in check; impulse control
o Integrity: Maintaining high standards of honesty and ethics at all times
o Innovation & creativity: Actively pursuing new approaches and ideas
o Initiative & bias for action: Readiness to act on opportunities
o Achievement drive: Striving to meet a standard of excellence
o Realistic optimism: Expecting success; seeing setbacks as manageable; persisting in achieving goals despite obstacles and setbacks.
o Resilience: Perseverance and diligence in the face of setbacks
o Stress management: Working calmly under stress and pressure
o Personal agility: Readily, willingly, rapidly and effectively anticipating and adapting to change
o Intentionality: Thinking and acting “on purpose” and deliberately.
Social Competence

These competencies determine how we handle relationships

Social Awareness – Other Awareness Awareness of others feelings, needs, and concerns
o Empathy: Sensing others’ feelings and perspectives, and taking an active interest in their concerns
o Situational awareness: Reading a group’s emotional currents and power relationships; being able to “size up” a situation and plan an appropriate response
o Service orientation: Anticipating, recognizing, and meeting customers’ needs

Social Skills – Relationship Management Adeptness at inducing desirable responses in others
o Communication: Listening attentively and fostering open dialogue
o Interpersonal effectiveness: Possessing diplomacy, tact and interpersonal skills, and knowing how to use them to ease transactions and relationships with others; the ability to relate well and build rapport with all people
o Powerful influencing skills: Wielding effective tactics for persuasion
o Conflict management: Negotiating and resolving disagreements
o Inspirational leadership: Motivating, guiding and mobilizing individuals and groups; articulating a clear, compelling and motivating vision for the future
o Catalyzing change: Initiating, managing and leading change
o Building bonds: Nurturing and maintaining relationships, cultivating a wide network; connecting with others on a deeper rather than superficial level.
o Teamwork & collaboration: Working with others toward shared goals. Creating group synergy in pursuit of collective goals.
o Coaching & mentoring others: Identifying others’ development needs and bolstering their abilities
o Building trust: Being trustworthy and ethical when working and relating to others; ability to establish a bond of trust with others.

Studies indicate that the best way to enhance our social and emotional intelligence (S+EI) skills is through coaching.

If you know of someone in the organization who would be interested in S+EI coaching, or who could benefit from it, here’s the information on how it works:

We begin with an assessment of S+EI skills. We use the most comprehensive S+EI assessment instrument on the market today, the Social + Emotional Intelligence Profile®. This gives us immediate insights into our client’s strengths and potential development needs when it comes to social and emotional intelligence, allowing us to target the most important areas for development first.

Once we have identified strengths and development opportunities in S+EI, we work with our clients to create a development plan for strengthening their social and emotional intelligence. Over the course of several sessions (and a complete S+EI coaching program can run six months or more), we provide our clients with worksheets, tip sheets and all the tools they need to accelerate their own self-awareness, their awareness of others (and their potential impact on others), as well as the tools they need to manage their social and emotional and behavioral responses in challenging situations.

In addition, throughout the coaching program, we work with our clients on key relationship management skills such as powerful influencing skills, communication, visionary leadership, conflict management, teamwork and collaboration, and building trust (among others).

This comprehensive coaching program is guaranteed to quickly enhance clients’ awareness of themselves and others, and better manage themselves and their relationships with others.


About the Author:

Deborah Brown (Debbie) founded Atlanta based D&B Consulting, Inc. in 1993 to provide executive career and leadership coaching, and executive career transitions and outplacement services to organizations and individuals. She is a Master Practitioner of the MBTI personality assessment and a Certified Social + Emotional Intelligence Coach® through the Institute of Social + Emotional Intelligence® of Denver, Colorado. Debbie earned the SPHR (Senior Professional in Human Resources) certification.